Hannah Parry ist Organistin aus England. Sie studierte am Royal College of Music in London und hat an vielen bekannten Orten, darunter dem St. Paul's Cathedral in London, Konzerte gegeben. Sie war Hilfsorganistin an der Farm Street Church in Mayfair und unterrichtete an der Temple Church. Durch die ehrenamtliche Arbeit mit Flüchtlingen fand sie den Weg nach Steinfurt und unterrichtet, gibt Konzerte und spielt für Gottesdienste in der Umgebung. Sie ist spezialisiert auf die Aufführung moderner Musik, insbesondere Stücke, die von Frauen geschrieben wurden oder auf nicht-westlicher Kultur basieren.
Hannah Parry is an organist, accompanist and choral conductor based in London, UK and Steinfurt, Germany. Hannah has a fantastically varied career which spans two countries, with concert appearances across Germany and the UK, as well as examining, teaching and choral directing. She studied organ performance at the Royal College of Music with David Graham followed by a Masters degree at Royal Holloway, University of London. Hannah's freelance musical career has included church music posts at various London churches (most recently Farm Street Church in Mayfair) as well as accompaniment opportunities with choirs and choral societies. Teaching and outreach work with adults and children have featured highly and this work has led to close links with the Temple Church and the Union Chapel, Islington. Hannah is the director of the Gronau Gospel Choir and teaches for the KulturForum, Steinfurt. Recent recital venues include Bradford Cathedral, the Nikolaikirche, Berlin and The Großekirche, Steinfurt.
Journalism is an increasingly interesting and important part of Hannah's work. She's had work published by Positive News, Adventure Uncovered, Migrant Women Press and others. Visit Instagram and Facebook to see recent articles, and check out the blog too.
Hannah Parry ist Organistin aus England. Sie studierte am Royal College of Music in London und hat an vielen bekannten Orten, darunter dem St. Paul's Cathedral in London, Konzerte gegeben. Sie war Hilfsorganistin an der Farm Street Church in Mayfair und unterrichtete an der Temple Church. Durch die ehrenamtliche Arbeit mit Flüchtlingen fand sie den Weg nach Steinfurt und unterrichtet, gibt Konzerte und spielt für Gottesdienste in der Umgebung. Sie ist spezialisiert auf die Aufführung moderner Musik, insbesondere Stücke, die von Frauen geschrieben wurden oder auf nicht-westlicher Kultur basieren.
Hannah Parry is an organist, accompanist and choral conductor based in London, UK and Steinfurt, Germany. Hannah has a fantastically varied career which spans two countries, with concert appearances across Germany and the UK, as well as examining, teaching and choral directing. She studied organ performance at the Royal College of Music with David Graham followed by a Masters degree at Royal Holloway, University of London. Hannah's freelance musical career has included church music posts at various London churches (most recently Farm Street Church in Mayfair) as well as accompaniment opportunities with choirs and choral societies. Teaching and outreach work with adults and children have featured highly and this work has led to close links with the Temple Church and the Union Chapel, Islington. Hannah is the director of the Gronau Gospel Choir and teaches for the KulturForum, Steinfurt. Recent recital venues include Bradford Cathedral, the Nikolaikirche, Berlin and The Großekirche, Steinfurt.
Journalism is an increasingly interesting and important part of Hannah's work. She's had work published by Positive News, Adventure Uncovered, Migrant Women Press and others. Visit Instagram and Facebook to see recent articles, and check out the blog too.