I read a lot of stuff, a huge variety, from EU policy to ultra runner interviews and little dino cartoons.
Meat Free May is one of those things like ‘Dry January’ that manages to motivate people to make changes to their regular habits, some of which will hopefully stick beyond the intended time.
Here are five resources from my extensive reading that can help, inform or entertain if you’re looking for less meat and diary in your life.
I mean, you can literally just Google ‘easy vegan meals’, or even with a specific ingredient ‘leek recipe vegan’ or ‘fast, easy vegan recipe’. But Vegan Food and Living has tried and tested recipes with lovely photos of hopefully how your food will look.
I had a great chat with Paul Kerton and Gemma Nichols recently. Paul, aka Hench Herbivore, told me he didn’t just go vegan overnight. But what inspired him to change and stick to those changes, was education. Check out their YouTube Channel and books. One resource Paul recommended was Nutrition Facts.
3. Eat Enough, and check that you are My Fitness Pal
Gemma told me “many people switch to whole food, plant-based diet and don’t stick at it because they’re hungry or even feel weak. That’s because veggies and pulses have a lot more fibre and water and are less calorie dense than processed or animal products.” That means you need might want to check out the calorie content of some of your newer foods. The app MyFitnessPal can help with that.
4. Snack away
You don’t need to go hungry, and you don’t need to buy fancy snacks. I will literally just eat a whole carrot when I get peckish. Or an apple. I love apples. This snack guide can help with ideas, but if it is handy to have a healthy-ish vegan delicious treat, check out Tribe products. I always have one in my bag in case of emergencies.
5. Be Kind to yourself, and try your best
If you have a day of forgetting, being unprepared or just not caring - don’t worry about it. Try again the next day. Or try to have all your lunches vegan and don’t worry about other meals. Have fun trying new things, eating chips and drinking beer, saving the planet and being kind to animals.
Are you trying to reduce meat and diary in your diet? Are you already vegan and have extra advice? Comment below.