Cooking time: 30 minutes
Makes approx 4-5 servings.
Around 47kcal per serving.
2 medium onions; chopped
3 large courgettes (about 700g); chopped
1 tsp ground nutmeg
850ml vegetable stock (I used two kallo organic stock cubes)
Pepper to taste
Fry onions in a large pan with some cooking spray. Once softened, add courgette and stir for 2-3 minutes. Add nutmeg, pepper and stock and simmer for about 30 minutes or until the courgette is pretty soft, stirring occasionally if you remember. Whizz in a blender or with a soup splunger (hand blender). Et voilà! Store in the fridge for up to three days and serve with whatever you want. Boom, lunch nailed.
If you actually make this then please tell me what you think. What other colours of soup will come next???